Freelance interpreters that work assignments provided by SLNKY represent the agency. For consistency and professionalism, please adhere to the following guidelines.
- “Business attire”. No jeans unless the situation is very casual. Dress as if you work in the environment in which you are interpreting. Only shoes with a back strap please (sandals are fine).
- Please be at least 5 minutes early for every assignment.
- If a freelance interpreter is sent to an assignment, that business is a customer of SLNKY. Please do not schedule yourself for follow up appointments at that location, or for other assignments the Deaf client may schedule while with you.
- Invoicing and Payment (email invoices to:
- Payments will be mailed weekly and are paid from received SLNOFKY invoices. PLEASE only invoice once per week. Please Email or scan and email each invoice.
- Portal is paid for assignments out of town/county which are also more than 30 minutes round trip from your home. This is calculated by Google Maps. Traffic, accidents, etc. are not included in calculating portal. Each portal hour is equal to your daily rate and paid on the quarter hour after the first half hour. PORTAL IS GENERALLY NOT PAID FOR IN-TOWN ASSIGNMENTS to where you live.
- Examples of portal NOT applying:
- Interpreters who live in Lexington traveling to area hospitals and businesses
- Interpreters who live in Richmond traveling to businesses in Richmond
- Examples of portal applying:
- Interpreter from Lexington traveling to Richmond, Winchester, Nicholasville, etc.
- Interpreter from Richmond traveling to Lexington hospitals and businesses
- Rates are determined individually based on experience, education and certification. Most assignments are 2-hour minimum, and in 15 minute increments thereafter. “Doctor Rounds” pay a higher rate and are billed in one-hour increments. Portal charges may apply for travel more than 30 miles. Cancelations with less than 24 hour notice are paid unless the requesting office closes.
- Any interpreter that completes an assignment for SLNofKY may not work for that business or entity independently for 90 days from the assignment date.
Responsibilities and Conditions:
- Adhere and comply with the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) CPC. Interpreters found non-compliant will cause the contract to be terminated.
- Once an assignment has been accepted, the interpreter is responsible for attending the appointment/assignment. Interpreter cannot find substitutes or refer out jobs to other interpreters without the consent of SLNKY.
- Taxes and insurance are the responsibility of the Interpreter.
- Interpreter must maintain certification with RID and remain in good standing and completing the minimum number of CEUs. Proof must be submitted if requested.
- Keep accurate records.
- Submit SLNKY invoices within 30 days of completion of assignments. PREFERRED weekly.
- Arrive to the scheduled appointment on time.
- If it appears that the appointment will not be completed before the scheduled end time, inform the staff with ample notice. DO NOT just walk out!
- Recurring fails or late arrivals can be grounds for Contract termination.
- Interpreter MUST notify day-of if an assignment goes past 2 hours. Failure to do so will result in non payment of the additional time.
- SLNKY shall not guarantee any certain number of assignments to Interpreter.
- Interpreter is responsible for any parking, parking tickets, lodging, mileage, automobile accidents or injuries/accidents or property damage obtained while interpreting unless otherwise agreed upon with SLNKY on a case by case basis.
- Since Interpreter is NOT an employee of SLNKY, no claim can be brought on for worker’s compensation situations.
- Interpreter is responsible for his/her interpretation. If SLNKY receives complaints about Interpreter’s work, and Interpreter is found negligent, Interpreter will not be notified of future assignment opportunities with SLNKY